Literatur zum Thema ’Bromberger Blutsonntag’.

Bromberger Blutsonntag / Bloody Sunday / 3. September 1939

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Literatur zum Thema ’Bromberger Blutsonntag’.

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Literatur zum ThemaBromberger Blutsonntag.

Bernhard Lindenblatt / Otto Bäcker:
Bromberger Blutsonntag
Todesmärsche, Tage des Hasses, Polnische Greueltaten.

http://www.versandbuchhandelscriptorium ... 0brom.html

Hugo Rasmus:
'Pomerellen Westpreußen 1919-1939'
F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung, München Berlin 1998
(Aus “deutscher“ Sicht.)

Wlodzimierz Jastrzebski:
Der Bromberger BlutsonntagLegende und Wirklichkeit
Westinstitut (Instytut Zachodni), Poznan 1990.
(Das polnische Gegenstück. Das Buch ist wahrscheinlich
ziemlich schwer zu bekommen.)

Zygmunt Zielinski (Herausgeber):
Polen / Deutsche - Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft
Wydawnictwo UNIA, Katowice 1995.

Günter Schubert:
Das Unternehmen Bromberger Blutsonntag
Bund-Verlag, Köln, 1989.
(Schubert vertritt die These, eingesickerte SS-Leute hätten
die Auseinandersetzung begonnen.)

Wolfgang Benz (Herausgeber):
Legenden, Lügen, Vorurteil
dtv 4666, München 1992.



Rolf Kammer schrieb hierzu:

Ich empfehle allen, die sich mit dieser Problematik beschäftigen,
das von der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 2006 heraus-
gegebene Buch von Jochen Böhler
'Auftakt zum Vernichtungskrieg. Die Wehrmacht in Polen 1939.'
zu lesen. Auf Seite 136 stehen in den Fußnoten neueste wissen-
schaftlich Erkenntnisse zu dem Problem 1939.



14. Februar 2005 Bromberg: Bloody Sunday

It sounds like you are asking about the situation when Nazi Germany
blitzkrieged through Poland in Sept 1939.

You may find some insights into this in the WikiPedia articles
about Bromberg Bloody Sunday,

It's safe to say that the Nazis later exagerated the atrocities
committed by the withdrawing Polish troops and the soon to be
occuppied ethnic Polish citizenry, but it's unrealistic to pretend
that the remnant ethnic German minority that had held out in
Poland since the end of WWI didn't generally see the invasion
as a chance for their lives to improve (ignoring the general risks
of war, anyway). Most probably just kept their heads down, some
certainly became fifth column insurgents. It's hard to say how
many didn't really mind being Polish citizens, believe it probably
had to do a lot with each person's individual situation.

You have to consider personal charisma, a person's nationalistic
beliefs, the amount of intermarriage in their family, and the corres-
ponding qualities the neighboring ethnic Polish farmers and towns-
people / authorities. I compare it loosely to how varied the conflict
was between the whites and blacks in the 1950's USA.

Nazi propaganda claimed that ethnic Germans in 1930's Poland were
badly mistreated, and used that as part of their justification for the
events that led up to the invasion of Poland. This was doubtless and
exageration, but it would also be unrealistic to say that there wasn't
some mistreatment. The Poles had suffered mistreatment of various
degrees during the 100 plus years of German occupation, and while
one Polish penpal of mine contends that the Poles of the 1940s had
"a better moral compass" than the Germans, people are people.

So its a matter of degree, and it would be useful to try to collect
family stories from Poles and Germans about those times to better
understand the degrees of behavior.

James Birkholz

You may find some insights into this in the WikiPedia
articles about 'Bromberg Bloody Sunday':


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